Lost Continents developed by VR1 Entertainment.

Lost Continents developed by VR1 Entertainment.

Lost Continents (PC) - Unreleased

Content Designer 2003

Lost Continents was a massively multiplayer role-playing game set in a world where all myths are true. It featured “private zones” (what would later be known as “instances”) that allowed a player to lead their group through an action-adventure story personalized to their character and game choices. The world of Lost Continents could contain anything: magic, mad science, Lovecraftian horrors, time travel, aliens, nuclear-powered mummies!

I worked as a content designer in charge of designing levels and quests for one third of the game world.

  • Crafted story-lines for both public and private zones, including branches that radically changed environments.

  • Wrote quest text to fit the un-self-serious tone of pulp serials of the early film era.

  • Designed and named hundreds of loot items like armor, weapons, and spells.

  • Prototyped, tested, and balanced the character creation system.

  • Designed player trade and guild systems.