Tales of Honor: The Secret Fleet developed by Idol Minds. Published by Evergreen Studios.

Tales of Honor: The Secret Fleet developed by Idol Minds. Published by Evergreen Studios.

Tales of Honor: The Secret Fleet (Mobile)

Narrative Designer and Writer 2014

Tales of Honor: The Secret Fleet was a space combat game for mobile platforms set in David Weber’s Honor Harrington universe.

As a contract writer and narrative designer, I was responsible for the entire story development, including ensuring that it would resonate with fans of the books.

  • Invented an untold story taking place parallel to major events in the Honorverse.

  • Pitched the proposed story to David Weber and licensor, Evergreen Studios.

  • Created brand new characters and defined their backstories and voices.

  • Wrote 10,000 words of mission dialogue and composed tutorial text.

  • Designed naming scheme for loot items and wrote hundreds of device names.

Read a sample of my Tales of Honor script